

3. "The Fool and the Forest Spirit" by Der Nister, in Pakn Treger 2021 Digital Translation Issue

2. "At the Border," by Der Nister, in The Big Book of Classic Fantasy, ed. Ann and Jeff Vandermeer (Penguin Random House, July 2019).

1. "Walking," by Der Nister, in Samovar, March 26, 2018.


3. "Night and Day: Anarchism after The Dawn of Everything," in The Anarchist Review of Books #6, Summer-Fall 2023.

2. "Feats of Strength" featured in the "it's a good day to be trans" folio of ANMLY #36 (April 2023).

1. "Regrets and Joys: The Temporality of Transgender Experience" in Salvage No. 10, Spring/Summer 2021.

Short Fiction

19. "Imago" in Broken Antler Issue 1 (October 2023).

18. "Sokal" in Lackington's Issue 22 (Fall 2020).

17. "'O terra, addio'" in Geek Out! Queer Pop Lit, Art & Ideas, ed. Sage Kalmus (Qommunicate Publishing, 2019).

16. "Simple Present" in "Igxante: An Ontology" (November 15, 2018).

15. "A Summary of Menistarian Law, Composed for the Citizens of Olakia, in Response to Our Present Crisis by Dr. Clemons Indement, as received and translated by Joseph Tomaras" in Lackington's No. 16, Fall 2017.

14. "Cynthia" in Asymmetry, May 22, 2017.

13. "Ruins of a Future Empire" in Salvage No. 4, February 2017.

12. "Caribou: Documentary Fragments" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May/June 2016.

11. "The Libidinal Economy of the Suburbs" (FLAPPERHOUSE No. 9, Spring 2016)

10. "After the New Dawn" in The Future Fire issue 2015.32.

9. "The Joy of Sects" in The Journal of Unlikely Cryptography (Unlikely Story No. 11, February 2015)

8. "The Assassination of Alexis Tsipras: A Social Timeline" (Sirens, posted February 1, "2022" [2015])

7. "The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine" (M: Horror & Mystery, November 2014, from Big Pulp Publications)

6. "Thirty-Eight Observations on the Nature of the Self" (Phantasm Japan, Haikasoru, September 2014)

5. "Cold Duck" (FLAPPERHOUSE No. 3, Fall 2014)

4. "Bonfires in Anacostia," August 2014, Clarkesworld No. 95

3. "Hypothetical Foundations of a Quantum Theory of Familial Social Physics" (FLAPPERHOUSE No. 2, Summer 2014)

2. "One-Sided" (in Things You Can Create, 2013)

1. "Moose Season" (in The Big Click, September 2012)

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